Only really good part of this book is David Stifle! Great performance as always!

Now to the book

I still have 1.5 hours left. I’ve been putting it off for days now because it’s so damn annoying! I’ve loved this series till Finn’s 2nd and 3rd book. It went from stories to HOURS of filler. I was so happy to finally be back to Jason, and my hopes were crushed. 30 hour audiobook. The first 10hr could be condensed to 1! The whole book could be condensed to 15hrs if the damn filler was removed! The ending has me yelling “just get on with it already!” It’s literally like “The spear races at them at light speed from only inches away” during that 2 characters talk with unneeded banter for 5 minutes! *Spoiler kinda* The final battle is just horrible! Will it ever end?? It’s been raging for over an hour!

Over all only Finn’s 2nd and 3rd books were worse than this one. That’s why it got 2 stars. Unfortunately it seems filler is the new trend for this series. I’ll probably return this book when I finally get it finished. I’ll give this series one more try because I’ve loved the first books so much. But I have a feeling I’ll be done with any of the new books after this one.

I’d rather the author take longer to release a book, so he can refine it better. Than to just throw words on a page and call it good. This is the second series I’ve quit listening to the newer books because they became only filler with zero story. Expeditionary Force was the other series that started out awesome and turned into “bla”