So the production value is great they have a full cast and sound effects however the writing is terrible. Do not know if it is because they are treating the book like an audio drama but it flow or hold my attention. Also the in between chapter part where they play the elevator music and list off the main characters stats (don’t even remember his name think its Luke) takes you right out of the any suspense the book is able to create. I like the litrpg genre and gaming elements since there is a focus on strategy and how to cleverly do things with a limited set of tools, however this book doesn’t do it for me. The main character isn’t really clever or skilled he just seems to be blessed with success by the author and doesn’t really earn it.

Also many things cause me to roll my eyes like the main character being a CEO and an excessive gamer who spends his entire life gaming . It seems more like fantasizing versus real humans set in a fantasy world of swords and sorcery.