?????V from Kansas?????

I admit, during book 1, I wasn’t sure I was going to like this series. I was having trouble keeping track of what kind of supernaturals had what abilities. I also struggled with identifying the Heroes from the Villains and wrapping my mind around this unfamiliar supernatural world. However, after having to rewind (just dated myself, huh?) several time to figure things out, book two went much smoother.

Now, since I’m more comfortable with the world Lexi Foss has built, I’ve been able to focus and enjoy the story more. There are a lot of fascinating characters with amazing abilities, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Be aware that there is some graphic violence and, though not many, some pretty descriptive sex scenes. If this isn’t your thing, you might want to choose something else. In my opinion, this is strictly an adult series and I would not allow one of my teenage daughters to read/listen to it.