This story is super imaginative! There is a lot going on and the relationships and people are very 3D and deep. This is book two of the series and is just as full of plot twists and mystery as the first. If you’re into fast paced faerie tales with druids and magic and a nod to other paranormal beings, this book might be something you’d like to read. My one critique is that I got kind of lost a couple of times when the main characters were arguing or going over things that happened and had to re-read to pick apart their meanings. Also- BUY THE AUDIOBOOK! Joel Leslie *sigh* – could this man get any better? Seriously, the audiobook is literally like 4D iMax theater for your mind with the level of narrative excellence he puts forth. Everyone talks about Leslie’s accents being amazing (and they are), but the dramatic recitation? That is what makes his audiobooks five stars for me- simply phenomenal!