When I finished “The Beginning of Sorrows” I felt like the story was only half told. As soon as they were available, I purchased and listened to “The Kingdom of Darkness” offerings. I listened faster than Mr. Goodwin could write, so I anxiously awaited each new edition. “Megiddo” is a fitting end to the series

The struggle and perseverance experienced by the characters are imminent and possible to those who have studied End Times prophecies. Some of the things I like the most about Mr. Goodwin’s books is that they are fast paced, exciting, Biblically possible, and without profanity or promiscuity. A strong Christian thread runs through all his books.

Many End Times series I have read are similar to each other in that they follow the same events through a Biblical time-line with the same things happening, just with different characters. What makes Mr. Goodwin’s books so different is that he writes on a personal level, dealing with characters who remind me of people I actually know. He also writes with a Biblical perspective, but with his own imaginings on how events might unfold.

His research on our Founding Fathers and founding principles are spot on and refreshing in this age of the “woke” philosophy that is so prevalent today. I am a veteran and am angry at the way history is being rewritten in today’s classrooms. Because of Mr. Goodwin’s unusual assessments of the current political events and the agendas behind them, the reader is stimulated to rethink not only our current situations, but also how far we have strayed from the founding principles of our country.

I have read every one of Mr. Goodwin’s books multiple times as they are fresh every time a reader comes back to them. I have recommended them to many of my Christian friends, but also to some of my friends who are not Christians. Those who are not familiar with the Bible often call me after finishing one of the books and ask me if I think the events portrayed in them are possible. I encourage those people to read the Bible with the new perspective created by these stories.

So many people are told that the Bible is too hard for lay people to understand, that it is unreliable, that it is a myth. Mr. Goodwin shoots down all those arguments through unique perspectives that draw readers into plausible scenarios which might be the way it will happen, yet are totally unique from any other End Times author. Yet, he humbly gives the caveat that his books are fiction, so readers can take away from them what they want.

I hope this will not be the last series Mr. Goodwin writes as his stories are engaging and the way he weaves helpful preparation tips into the stories make them some of my favorite books that I will continue to read (listen to) many times. I will continue to check often to see if a new book is forthcoming from this very talented and inspirational author.

Kevin Pierce does a great job of bringing Mr. Goodwin’s characters to life. There are times his pronunciations of words give me pause, but I realize not everyone talks as we do in my part of the country.