The Christian proselytizing that is inserted into this story is absolutely unacceptable! Why? It has to do with slavery. Most decent people will agree that the institution of slavery is unacceptable. I have looked into the Bible, and I find that most evil things that people might do has biblical teachings not to do those things.

So, when I look at the act of submitting to slavery, I find the biblical teachig are that one should submit to slavery and should obey the owner.

The act of owning slaves is slightly regulated, but is not discouraged. For example, slave holding was regulated in the bible by race: a Jew could own any kind of slave, but a gentile could only own another gentile.

How might one become a slave? A man’s children we’re his property, and they could be sold into slavery. The Bible tell zoo man not to sell his daughters, but there is no death penalty for this as there is for other serious crimes like wearing wool and linen woven together. In fact, president Jefferson sold some of his children by Sally Hemings.

I believe god is merciful and compassionat and will render justice according to the content of my character; not according to the teachings of any particular cult.

American Meltdown has numerous quotes from king David– hardly an honorable man who began his career by bringing a gun (a sling was equivalent to a gun) to a sword fight. David then goes on to many other misdeeds such that he is not deserving of our respect.

I will pray to the creator that Mark Goodwin see the implicatios of his preachings and use his great skills in a more positive manner.