This was riveting. I think the narrator did an excellent job. When he spoke like Art Shawcross, you almost felt like it was him really speaking.

What I loved about this book was the author starts with the first victim. He talks about him and his family and thought process for them. Then he goes into some of Shawcross. Then the police. Then he moves on to the next victim. He describes their families and lives with integrity and believability that lend to the telling of the horrific deaths they suffered.

Most serial killer books gloss over each victim. Rarely telling much background. Jack Olsen does the opposite. He invites you in to their lives, as well as Shawcross’, and how they were intertwined. The psychiatric evaluation was so raw and real, you feel the doctor’s own mystification at who Shawcross really was.

I cannot recommend this book enough. It encapsulates more than just Shawcross. It envelops the whole series of crimes, investigators, loved ones, victims and families across the killings. Well done.