This is the fourth book in the Immortal Curse series, which I was able to determine after a couple minutes of confusion and digging. Installment numbers for this series vary a bit based on where you look; however it seems this is due to a book containing bonus scenes and other fun.

As far as the series progression itself, I recommend reading this book 4th, after (#1) ‘Blood Laws’, (#2) ‘Forbidden Bonds’ and then (#3) ‘Blood Heart’.

This installment will always be one of my favorites simply for the fact that Foss managed to surprise me—this NEVER happens. The entire series is like a end-boss-level game of chess and the author manages to weave in some epic, surprising twists.

It also manages to be heart-wrenching near the end; such a rare quality I’m forever seeking, yet almost-never find. If it was at all possible for me to have any more respect than I already did for Foss, it no longer is. In this moment, she became a top favorite, and I will forever one-click anything and everything she’s involved in. I strongly recommend you do too … and I cannot stress that enough.

Foss is clearly a world-building mastermind.


I opted for the audiobook.

Narrators are great: soft, pleasant, smooth voices.

5 stars





“Never had he promised a woman forever … or even tomorrow.”

Surprise –

Sethios & Caro were found because of Stas compelling the ice cream shop guy.

One thing through me off: Ezekiel was portrayed in this installment with a higher-pitched voice and a southern accent, but in previous books had a deep, menacing voice and no accent. This took a bit of getting used to. If character continuity is a priority for you, you might want to opt for the ebook, though his parts are small.