I struggled with Book 3, which nearly forced me to rate it “3-stars”, until I realized the truth behind the fantasy. On the surface, from someone whom there is no life message, the editors failed in their job by allowing chapters 10-25 to remain. “Boring!”, was my rating, until I saw the pure, absolute truth written in these chapters.
One naturally masculine male who embraces his true self is infinitely more powerful than a clan of deviants, hell-bent on expressing every color in the crayon box as the center of their life. One leader, a man, fully masculine, can destroy a band of pretenders and all those who foolishly lose their lives following them. Even the writing clearly and cleanly reveals the hollowness, fear and desperation from depending on the indecision, error, and double-minded complacency of child-brain men. The two witches said it best when discussing their fate with the Bennett pack. They were right. Death came to all the packs who relied on Portland. This is the truth behind the fantasy of HeartSong.
One masculine man, determined in his self-righteous cause, is the true Warlock, the unbeatable foe, of the willfully weak effeminates and fearful chaos children. There came a point for me in HeartSong when Elizabeth FINALLY had no choice but to take the reigns when I understood, I don’t want the Bennett’s to win. They don’t deserve it. They’ve made a slaughter of all those who depended upon them. Their indecision has brought fear and then death to those who depended upon them. Nothing they can do from that point can EVER make right what they have made so wrong. Their pain is earned.
Not even the device, thrown in gratuitously, of using children as weapons can turn Ezra into a loser, because he’s won. Compare how much he’s lost with the vast lost of “The Pack” and you’ll quickly see, he was right. Might makes right. Being a self-determined peerless masculine male is truly the most powerful being on earth. I thank this novel’s existence. It was a godsend from all the BS in this country right now, telling me, a gay man, what I’m supposed to be, and it’s all wrong. A leader, a true leader is a masculine, self-determined man. The fantasy is believing otherwise and thus, the truth inside the fantasy. Thank you.
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