I have over 90 titles on audible and literally thousands of listening hours, these books are written by a comedic genius with an elegantly beautiful way of describing the insanely interesting world that Carl and the rest of the human race is suddenly thrust into. I’m literally dieing for more books from Mr. dinimin (sorry if spelt wrong). I really hope he reads this because I need him to understand that I am in absolute need of a new series where after this season of dungeon crawl we get to see from a human perspective the integration of humanity into this insane universe that dinimin has crafted for us. I get that it probably won’t be as funny or quirky and that it likely wouldn’t be able to follow the same literally genre of dungeon crawler Carl but I feel like this would such a fun universe to get a wider and more inclusive look at. Help me get this suggestion to the author if you feel this would be a worthwhile read. Love the books, love this incredible narrator, love this amazing author. Please never stop being you. Also hurry up on the next books I’m dieing.