This is probably the best true crime book I’ve ever read, and I’ve read a lot! True crime novels can sometimes be dry and boring. I’ve never read a true crime book like this. Steve Jackson actually tells a story. This is the second book of his I’ve listened to and I could not turn it off. I turned it on to listen every spare second I got. I don’t think I can really say that about too many other true crime books. His disdain for the defense can be a bit annoying, as they are just playing the game called the “US Justice System” just like the prosecution does; although in this book, you can hardly blame him. He has an amazing talent for bringing these stories to life, and my favorite part, bringing the victims to life, as well. I find these books beautifully written and I know I will purchase any and all books available by him on Audible. I feel like I can’t say enough great things or recommend this book highly enough.