I am about half way through and I don’t think I can finish this book. As the title of the review suggests, this is an anime/ manga in book form with all the tropes including good if one dimensional main character, over powered main character, and a fetish over Japanese swords over all logic and reason. There are a lot of issues but I will address what caused my eyes to roll so hard I don’t think I can finish the book.

The world is set in a modern/near future setting where it is established that there’s tanks, jets, guns, and satellites. The setting is in a village apparently stuck in feudal japan. Meaning every one is obsessed with swords and protecting the empire. Glossing over a lot, an enemy attacks the village. This enemy is established to be a modern nation in a modern world. So how does this enemy attack? With massed infantry charges with swords… No air cover, no artillery support, no guns of any kind, no bows, no armor. literally a few hundred guys charging in with swords (of course they proceed to get cut down by the dozen because the Japanese samari are so very super duper powerful). it completely takes away the intended emotional impact this scene is obviously intending to convey because I was too busy thinking how stupid this whole thing is.

if the writer wants to have sword wielding magic samari then why not set the world in a more appropriate setting where that makes sense or at least explain why a modern military isn’t simply bombing the village from the air if there intention is to destroy it.

maybe it gets better later on but I’m not sure i can turn my brain long enough to finish this book.