As always I am enjoying this series.

This couple I didn’t see coming actually and I liked loved that.

Zara is arranged to be married to a movie star, a genuine movie star and she tries she really does but she can’t. She can’t stand him Ryde he is self-absorbed and not to mention he has devils own sister who she goes to school with.

Zara just wants to make her own choices. In comes Ronan on a motorcycle not exactly what Zara was thinking but love and attraction have other plans.

I loved Ronan he sticks up for those who can’t. His life isn’t rainbows and flowers. And when he sees Zara he can’t help what he feels either.

Their love story will have you oooing and aweing, then being frustrated but it is so worth the ride.

I liked the narration a lot actually I think the narrator did a great job with accents as well.