Over protective momma and poppa bear. I will say they almost ruined the book for me. It was just sooooo overbearing. And I hate that they didn’t see what a wonderful thoughtful women they raised. If they had just not been soo smothering and gave her, the responsibility of her health from a younger age I bet they wouldn’t have fought over it so much and mom wouldn’t have been such a helicopter parent.

That being said I think Ginger had a great ali in her sister Kory.

Ray is super cute and I love how he takes care of his family you can see the toll his father’s death plays in his life. The guilt, I hope he gets help for it because his momma is so wonderful she sees what Ray doesn’t it wasn’t anyone’s fault it just was.

Loved the connection between Ray and Ginger he is just too dang sweet I can’t stand it. I wanted more, more, more, I think these 2 can make it work if they just try.

Sign cowboys, am I right. 😉

Enjoyed the narration a lot. The bit at the end with the author was kinda awesome too I liked getting to how this book came to be.