I have read every book written by Mark Goodwin and can’t wait for the next one to be available. Each of his fiction books deals through a Biblical lens with the fall of our society. Each series comes at that downfall from a different perspective, yet all are plausible and true to the Bible. I also love the fact that even when dealing with military types, he does not use vulgar language. Being a veteran, I understand that vulgar language is used in that area, but I do not want to hear it.

This is the first in another series that takes a different tact from his previous books. I love the family relations that he always brings to his writing, sometimes I’m not a fan of all the relatives, but I can say the same of some of my own relatives. His stories are fresh, detailed, and intriguing. I can tell that he does a lot of research for each of his series and I appreciate his taking the time to do that, it does add a great deal to the story.

I would recommend this series to all my friends, family, and any who are of the “Woke Culture”. You will not be disappointed.