Ahh!!! Where do I start? Ok, so I went in blind, didn’t read the full blurb, so I had no clue what I was getting into. Actually won an Audio ARC in a giveaway so I am deciding to write an honest review.

Let me tell you how Dakota, this was my first time reading her btw, drew me in so quick. The writing is flawless, the story is captivating and the characters play their part perfectly.

The story is told in 3 POVs.

Gianna, she’s living life day by day nothing much going on until a stranger comes to her aide one day. They fall madly in love, get married and then that’s when all hell breaks loose.

Ethan, is not what he appears to be. He was supposed to be Gianna’s knight in shining armor. He was more like a turd in the toilet.

Derek, an accidental encounter with Gianna on her wedding day left him wanting more. All he gets left with is her earring.

Once Ethan’s true colors show, Gianna hauls butt and runs right into Derek. These two fall in love but Gianna is still very much afraid of what Ethan is capable of and so she becomes a badass and learns to defend herself.

This book reminded me very much of Enough, with JLo. But it is written with so much emotion and feeling, it was hard to put it down when I needed to. I can say this will not be the last book I read by Dakota.