The primary aspect in a well-paced story is quantity. Assuming readers are capable of seeing the hours these books length, I find it utterly surprising in comments which speak of its length. Again, I thoroughly enjoy the value. Having read two more books in this series and, how the author believes a course change was needed in the prose, I find the story line consistent, increasing in depth but, with this ONE hopeful, well-meant criticism: Introducing romantic love into the series was unpleasant and in the current social schema, unadvisable. The aspect of “Twilight” didn’t fall on deaf ears with me, and yes, it was that painful. I mean, how many months does he have to fumble around in the dark to find his and hers and get the parts together! Enough already!

The author uses a great deal of tension, perhaps too much, as there never is a point of resolution to almost everything. This is called “drama” and it makes life more interesting. “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!”. However, every story worth reading has some factor of success, some point of conquest and victory. There should be more success and victory and not a constant attempt at drama. It can either be fatiguing, annoying or too repetitive. I would like to see Frank’s character more developed, and perhaps, come out of the closet. He very much reminds me of my ex-husband’s childhood and, although a Marine, he turned out very gay. Masculinity is sexy and, Jason’s lack of it could appeal to some gamers but, we need a “real man” to rally behind. Frank would be a fair trade, IF we really must go into the romantic love crap.