I thoroughly enjoyed this series by Franklin Horton. As always, Kevin Pierce does an excellent job.
Pros: Each book, while continuing the storyline, has a theme of sorts and concentrates on different aspects, I really enjoyed that approach with this novel series. It keeps it interesting. My least favorite was book three, which had to be there to close out some storylines and set up book four. I say “least favorite” as if I’m describing my least favorite ice cream flavor. It was still a great book and well worth the time.
It was really interesting how the book was written so that each character was narrated from their point of view. The comedic value of that was pretty solid. It really makes you think about how others just see the world completely differently and also think they are correct in their thought process. Perhaps the most frightening part of this book was the thoughts of the gamer and the druggy when you realize there are really people out there that think like that.
I really liked the characters that popped in and out. This helped the story move along and also reflects some reality in this situation where people would move into or out of your life during events like this.
The story moves along well, has some good twists and turns, some predictable moments, and of course, those times when you are literally saying, “No, no, no… don’t do that.” out loud while reading this book.
I like that there was a lot less cussing in this book compared to the “Borrowed World” series.
A previous reviewer mentioned that the mom was presented as a helpless character. I didn’t see that. Maybe it’s because I’ve had experiences with the same surgery she had – but Grace’s mom is possibly the toughest person in this book considering all she did in her condition. Of course, that reviewer has a right to their opinion – I just saw it differently.
If someone ever wrote the story of my life I’d want Kevin Pierce to narrate it. I understand it would be terribly boring, but he’d be the one that could make it interesting. I found Franklin Horton’s book by searching for books narrated by Kevin Pierce. He’s that good. I like his voice, the way he pauses, emphasizes at the right times, and handles the different characters. Excellent job, Mr. Pierce.
Four books for one credit – how could you go wrong? Get it!
This series is going to cost me more credits as new books come out because I have to see what happens with the story.
Sometimes the characters do the dumbest things – but I know if I were in their situation, I’d probably do some stupid things as well.
That’s about it on the “cons”. It’s a great book series.