This book and honestly most all of Mark Goodwin’s books are the most captivating books I’ve ever listened to especially when you consider that I have narcolepsy and don’t have the capability of being able to stay awake when trying to read a book.
The fact is that one of Mark Goodwin’s books was the first book that I ever listened too on audible and all though I have listened to a few other books written by different authors, none have measured up to any of the books that Mark Goodwin has written. He is definitely my most favorite author by far.
I greatly appreciate audible for making this app that offers me to see the enjoyment that can come from a book especially when they are books written by Mark Goodwin!
Great job to you Mark for your God given talent and for writing books that incorporate the word of God into the stories! Your writing is a blessing to our Heavenly Father God as well as all that read or listen to your books! Thank you so much for your inspirational writing of stories as they have brought me some very real emotions that glorify God Almighty. In your stories I have experienced happiness , laughter, sadness, tears , the pain of loss but the comfort of knowing in that loss that there comes a peace for eternity through christ Jesus our Lord and Savior who made a way for salvation for all that would chose to receive it ! ! !
Thanks goes out to all at Audible for providing such a blessed service to all that use this app and for providing the services from the greatest writers in the business with Mark Goodwin being at the very top of my list.
Through the services of your app I have gained a passion for books that other wise I would have never been able to experience and my words written here can barely express the gratefulness and gratitude that I have for the blessings that you have bestowed upon my life.
Thanks again!
Sincerely , Mr W.R.Freeman

PS; However it saddens me that you don’t yet have Mark Goodwin’s ( Kingdom of Darkness ,book 3) listed in your store at least not yet.
Hopefully it’s a book that will soon be available through your App. ??