Both narrators were wonderful! They fit the characters well, and their performances were strong and of good quality. Definitely recommend listening.

Emotional story dealing with some difficult issues; self harm and many forms of assault; triggering events, but spots of hope and love shine through. Loved the setup for this story; Trent has been in jail for 5 years for something he never should’ve gone to jail for, he is now being released. Luckily, Trent’s cell mate helped Trent with a place to live and a job at Michelle’s apartment complex. Michelle has had a very difficult past; she has some emotional issues that still affect her daily. Trent and Michelle have an instant connection; wonderfully sweet and passionate and honest connection between them; Trent is amazing! Both have difficulties in their past; absolutely horrible mothers and weak fathers, but the two begin to heal together. Unfortunately, there are some people in their lives that keep trying to drag them down. I liked Michelle, but I would’ve liked for there to be more of a progression of her strength rather than a regression when anything emotionally difficult happened. Also, the author shouldn’t have had Michelle make the typical stupid decision; especially when you could’ve had the character be smart about the situation and still had the same scenario and result occur. The author even has the character acknowledge that she’s being stupid, so it makes me grumpy that the character continued on her idiotic path; it ruined things a bit for me. I did like Michelle overall though. There’s some interesting suspense to the story, and I like the overall style of the writing. Entertaining story, sweet, lovely connection!