I didn’t realize this was the same author of The Greystone Chronicles, which I hated for the same reason this one left a bit of indigestion when I finished it. The problem is his heroes are always on easy mode. They immediately fall into wealth, power, and awesome gear without any real effort and pretty much walk all over the competition. Imagine playing a RPG game with console commands enabled and you just can’t help but give yourself epic gear and infinite gold at level 5. Once again, thanks to undeserved wealth and gear, the MC and his crew walks all over monsters and men twice their level. I hated it in Greystone and I dislike it here.

The difference? I’ve found I’m a sucker for post-apocalyptical tales, and on that front, this does a decent job. It’s basically a cheaper imitation of Toa Wong’s series. The story is decent and the characters aren’t terribly cookie-cutters. The MC, while being a nicey nice guy and overly generous (easy to do when you’re now the richest, most powerful person in the world for no damn good reason) but he can be hard to the point of brutal when pushed over the edge.