First off, Kevin Pierce is one of those narrators who has a relaxing voice but who can take you along for the ride and keep you entertained; he does really well with TEOTWAWKI style novels and this is no exception. This continuing story take us deeper into Society’s fall as the nuclear winter begins to really take hold and massive population surges to the South to find relief grow, causing additional problems for our main characters and their attempts to get home. But their struggles aren’t without tragedy. One can see oneself in any of the main characters, feeling the struggle to survive and trying to avoid mistakes. I’m looking forward to the next book as this one left with a slight cliffhanger that makes me want to know what happens next. who knows if reality would be similar to what we read here, or not. The real-world impact of Nuclear EMP to the electrical grid and our primary means of transportation may, or may not, be exactly as depicted here, depending on many factors, but nevertheless this is pretty close to what may actually occur – so it’s worth listening to and keeping in the back of your mind.