Spoiler alert.

I hate the ending. Such a good book with a cool premise, I read a lot of lit RPGs and this one stands out among a sea of mostly the same plot in a new cover, I give it a high rating because of that. however, two things just kill me to the point where I felt I needed to tell others. that being weird gender-bending and the ending. if it was just the gender bit I would not be that bothered that’s a story that some people need and ok I don’t begrudge some representation but you know something bad is going to happen for most of the book and well bad things do happen and keep on happening and no one can do anything about it. I can’t stand the feeling of not being in control when bad things happen, and as much as I love the rest of the book a horrible feeling of ineptitude was what I got from the final chapters of this book with a promise that the bad things still coming.

Real spoiler time the bad guys win more or less and no one knows what is going on nor are they fighting back.