All in all this is a hilarious parody of the superhero genre with some serious moments mixed in to give the story some depth and meaning. My only complaints (and they are minor so don’t press the back button to look for another book) are these… One, don’t create a world with fictional superheroes in it and then make comparisons to popular superheroes like Bat Man or superman ect… it takes you out of the narrative. Second , what is up with all the “his/her tongue clicked the back of his/her teeth” ? It was a tiny bit excessive and I found it used at odd times. Oh and people “Snap” their fingers, they don’t “Click” their fingers but whatever, it’s not important and it doesn’t detract from the story which is excellent. The narrator was fantastic and at the end of the book he does outakes of him cracking up as he tries to record the book and it’s hilarious. I’d always wondered about that.