I am so happy to be back with the Greene family in Sunrise Bay, Alaska. This time Nikki and Logan Stone are the couple ones in the spotlight and they certainly shine brightly.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? Not always. Nikki is shocked to wake up in Vegas married to MMA fighter Logan and been more shocked when it appears he doesn’t want to get out of the marriage.

As soon as the opportunity arises Nikki and her best friend Molly head back to Sunrise Bay but much to her shock and horror, Logan follows her. I loved this couple both separately and together. I fell hard and fast for swoon worthy Logan; he ticked the boxes for me, no doubt.

Logan convinces Nikki to give their marriage a trial and to pretend that they are happily married, she surprises not only herself but everyone around her when she agrees. Logan and Nikki couldn’t be more opposite and yet there is something about the chemistry that sizzles between them that really works. Logan certainly has an uphill battle to persuade Nikki that she can trust I him and his feelings. As always the family meddles throughout and it was fund to watch Ethel and Dori weave their magic. The story was fast paced, witty and engaging and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series.