Title: Blitz:
Author: Sabrina Stark
Format: Audio
Narrators: Kat Auden, Connor Brown
Genre: Romance, enemies to lovers. comedy
Standalone: Yes
Part of a Series: Book 3 of Blast Brothers
POV: Mina and Chase
Steam Level: Some
Blitz is the final Blast Brothers book. In it Chase is bored with and done with his womanizing ways. He’s also jaded and quite rude. But, so are his brothers. Overall, Blitz is okay. Funny at times but also I felt like the same conversation/dialogue kept happening. At one point I thought I could make a drinking game out of “excuse me?” or “oh, yeah?” which entertained me more than the book at that point. I loved Mina’s dad, his comments, and threats (explicit and under the radar) toward Chase. I did get a kick out of Blitz but I’m no sure if I’ll read anymore Sabrina Stark books.
I received this audiobook for free from Pink Flamingo Productions and Audiobook Obsession. This is my honest and voluntary review.