Lets get the first thing out of the way, while this was written by an author from the western it uses a very popular recent trend in eastern comics, the Isakai or to those not familiar with the trend a person from one world where things are mundane or ordinary being transported or reborn into a world where things are fantastical and in a lot of cases even game-like (see Log Horizon or ‘that time i was reincarnated as a slime’)

That said this story is no cookie cutter copy far from it, from the ground up this is a world filled with unique and fun concepts, characters, and situations are all distinctive unique and fun, the world borrows heavily from norse mythology so if your a fan of that it will increase your enjoyment of this story as well, the story is very much suited for the young adult age range though older readers may like it too particularly some of the humor is mature in nature.

On the down side (or maybe a plus if your into it like me) the book can be…excessively descriptive at times, in particularly when referring to battle damage suffered by the various characters so if your squeamish maybe give this a pass.

also the main character has moments of what tv tropes would call ‘blue and orange’ morality, this means his sense of what is right and wrong can seem alien at times and very much colored by his personal views but this i think is part of the charm of the story and the character too