What a fun, outlandish adventure. I’m someone who is both terrified by and yet drawn to tales of deep sea monsters. This story definitely delivered on the thrills. My forays into this genre are usually more on the film than the reading side, so, if I had to compare, this would be a combination of Deep Rising and Cutthroat Island with a bit of Jaws and the Meg thrown in for good measure. A few reviews commented on some unrealistic plot twists. I would say that, with the main premise being a giant man-eating fish who hunts for sport, I embarked on this adventure prepared to suspend my disbelief. It’s a non-stop adventure once it gets going. And ala Game of Thrones, you just never know who’s getting offed next. Fun summer read, and yet another story that shall keep me away from swimming in deep, dark water.

As one additional note, the opener was very catchy. I kept hoping the character would make a reappearance later, and …..(spoiler) she does! Thanks to Sean Duregger for providing a free audio copy in exchange for an honest review. Enjoyed the book and the narration.