Aiden Bates and Ali Lyda collaborate and pen and another great novel for their “Titan Bodyguards: Duty and Desire” series. The story is enjoyable and entertaining, it is well written with interesting storylines that are captivating from start to end. The characters are likable, easy to relate to and connect with. Ryden is the Prince of Cosandria a small country in Europe, he is attending college in the US, no one knows who his royalty status and he wants to keep it that way. He does have a bodyguard assigned to him as a protective measure. His last bodyguard resigned so he has a new one starting. Ajax, a Titan Bodyguard will be Ryden’s roommate and will be posing as a student. They will both be attending the same classes. Ryden the jokester gets one on Ajax before he is even aware of who he is, I was happy to see Ajax could give as good as he got. The chemistry between these two was smoking hot and as much as Ajax tried to keep it professional he could on deny his feelings for so long. After an attempt on his father’s life, the King of Cosandria, Ryden needed to go back home, Ajax went with him. The two were starting to get close while in the US, but Ajax new Ryden had shoes to fill and a kingdom to rule and there was no place for him in Ryden’s life. He is set to leave but when another threat is made against the Royal family and Ryden is in danger he needs to become his savior. This fast moving story is cleverly plotted with plenty of drama, a touch of angst, some humor, twists and turns, heartfelt emotions and a hot romance. Thanks again for another great story and emotional rollercoaster ride.

??? And for the fabulous narration, Austin Jay continues to bring these characters to life, giving each their own distinct voice making it easy to follow along and tell who is who. He does an awesome job portraying the characters, grasping each persona, taking the role making it his own, sounding believable and just as I picture them to sound. He sets the perfect tone for the story, captures all the character’s emotions and projects them into his performance. He is an entertaining storyteller and a pleasure to listen to. Thank you for another great listen!

Thank you #GRR