Book reads like a pulp novel, many gory and obscene details about every single assault. The author goes out of the way to glorify victims which was unnecessary. As every victim deserves justice regardless of their achievements or accolades.
The story criminally falls shorts of its purpose in following areas:
Fred Coe’s father Gordon Coe; not much is discussed about him at all!
Gordon was close to Fred and seemed to be the mastermind behind putting out fires that his wife and son started in the community. Reader gets a sinking feeling that Gordon knew what Fred was doing, that Gordon was not the “nice” guy the author insists that he was throughout the book.
Also, the author never really explained Ruth Coe’s past. Was she always this eccentric? How much drama did she create growing up in Spokane?
Overall its an ok read, unfortunately its at the expense of victims whose gory details of rape and assault are highlighted every chapter.
Recommend reading with caution!