I tried, I really did try to like this one because the reviews were so good. (I don’t know who those people are)But the more I listened, the more frustrated I got. The female lead is such a door mat! I HATE that authors keep making women so spineless and self-depreciating. And there were just too many illogical reactions to make this “romance” make sense. #SPOILER!For instance, the FL is forced into a sex club, almost assaulted, forced to watch the ML buddies torture and kill someone, sell off another human as a slave…she goes home in shock but 2 hrs later has sex with same dude cuz “she just feels so safe around him.” Wtfever. I’m so over PNR books copping out on actual character and romance development. What was most frustrating is that the FL never actually lost her shit…it’s like the author started her down that path and then all of the sudden..”he’s a good guy, I shouldn’t have been mean to him (and she didn’t even yell at him-like wtf…normal life is more harrowing than those supposed fights). I just can’t. 2nd attempt at this author’s series. Hoping I can get ANOTHER refund and avoid in the future.