There was so much emotional angst in this book. my heart was on such a roller coaster ride throughout the audiobook.

It dealt with so many situations that aren’t dealt with in a fictional book yet written so realistically that I felt everything. I’m still dealing with all of the emotions that this book created. Amazing writing from Siobhan, she really pulls out all of reactions from all of the various people who go through and deal with following a horrific situation, and provides us with a peek into what it must be like to be related to someone who committed a crime.

Blaire and her parents were forced to leave behind their home and memories are buried following that situation. It’s all in the hopes of getting back to a semblance of a normal life.

Blaire tries to ease into her new school and meets three popular gorgeous guys who take her under their wings. But can Axel, Skeet and Heath provide protection from a past they aren’t privy to?

The horror that Blaire goes through is more than any one should endure yet she tries not to breakdown. I can’t believe how much is dealt with in this audiobook. So much loss, so much hate and so many people ready to sacrifice a person who isn’t responsible. And we see how multi functional marriages work in the real world. We get to see forgiveness and second chances. Wow the feelings invoked by this story were many and have left me reflecting what would I do if this were to happen to me. Real life situations that are happening and yet we carry on, not easily acknowledging what about the people left behind.

The narration was superb. Sarah Puckett pulls all of the emotions that Blaire has so well that I felt it all while listening. Paul Stefano is new to me, he has a distinct voice for each of the boys who really love Blaire with all their heart and he displays all of the emotions that they go through.

This a really compelling story that will leave you thinking about the subject matter for days maybe weeks afterwards.

Please be aware that it will be a trigger for people who have gone through gun violence and or rape, do not read/listen to this book if that is an issue for you.
