I was very excited to see what Jackson Blackwell, The Shadow Master, consultant to villains, was up to in this story. I always love these audiobooks. These stories are not just fun, but they are hilarious. I love how the author really tailors these stories for the audiobook reader. The main character, Jackson, even starts an argument with the narrator, Jeffery Kafer. There is more, but I don’t want to give spoilers.

In Villains Defeat, the story starts with us at the end of the story, foreshadowing Jackson as defeated as he can be. Then we go back to see how it all happens. We also get Sophia, a Djinn and Jackson’s receptionist, talks directly to the listeners (it is usually only Jackson who talks directly to the audiobook listeners). She loves to do the villain monologue, but she’s telling the listener instead of the victim.

There’s a lot that happens in this story, but I’m not going to get into all of that. I like to avoid spoilers (I personally like to go into stories as blind as possible). What I will tell you is that Gibson (Gibby to his friends), writes really funny stories with amazing characters. I love how the stories are written with lots of pop culture references, tons of humor and how the characters will talk directly to the author, narrator and listeners. It all comes together to make for a very fun story. I always have a great time with this series.


Jeffery Kafer really knocks it out of the park with this series. I love how he really brings out the characters, not to mention how he becomes part of the story itself as a character. He’s great at allowing the author to make jokes about him and reads them out perfectly (talk about being the butt of your own joke, kinda).