I haven’t read or listened to anything from Rachel Jonas or Nikki Thorne before but after listening to The Golden Boys, I am now a huge fan! I have to say after I finished this audiobook I immediately went and downloaded Book 2 from Kindle Unlimited because I needed to know how the story went after that cliffhanger! I won’t give anything away but it was a great storyline (it wasn’t a nice, refreshing idea, but I liked what happens in the beginning of book 2 to help make it different than some of the other bully tropes). I did like Blue, she has had a really tough time in life and she has persevered despite everything that has happened to her and her sister. I know I wouldn’t have the strength to continue how she has been. I have so many theories (I am half way through book 2 and I have no clue if I am even close to being right haha). I actually feel conflicted with West, which I guess is the whole point. I thought the budding romance, though super complicated, was just what my angsty heart wanted. Add in the gang issues and seedy background stuff happening, and its a captivating story and world these authors have built. I also an intrigued by the side characters, can’t wait to read on (and eventually listen) the rest of this series ❤️
In terms of narration, I thought this group did a phenomenal job. I liked hearing the 2 female narration voices, ones doing Blue and one doing P. I thought it was a nice tough. I thought Neill did an amazing job with the guy characters and was captivated with his inflections. Now there was a tad room for improvement when doing the opposite sex’s sections in a particular chapter, but it still got 4.5 – 5 stars from me! I first listened to Lessa on Sheridan Anne’s newest audiobook and thought she did a good job and I love pretty much everything Sarah Puckett does nowadays haha. First time listening to Neill and will be checking out more from him in the future. Great job bringing this story to life, looking forward to more!!
? Audiobook Obsession Reviewer ?