This time we’re on to Judd and Colin, who we’ve seen in the background of the previous books. I really enjoy how the author is shifting the main character emphasis, but still fleshing out the others we’ve already been introduced to. I wasn’t quite as in love with this book because I’m not into the Daddy thing at all. The dynamic wasn’t forced and it worked well. It’s just not my personal taste, but even though it isn’t my thing, I enjoyed the book. Trick is a fabulous new character and Marvin finally got to show off what he can do.

I give this one four chili peppers out of five, too, for the sexual heat.

I would REALLY, REALLY love to see more of Max in future installments. I love the fact that such a good-looking, powerful man is so nonchalant about his power and loves to smack-talk more than he loves to actually use that immense power.