The Golden Boys centers around Blue, who is the new girl at a fancy prep school, and West, who along with his two brothers, run the school. West doesn’t even know Blue before she transfers to the school but he thinks he knows a secret that gives causes him to hate her so he and his classmates spend their days bullying poor Blue. Also, as an added bonus, we have Pandora who is the ​mysterious social media influencer with a blog where he or she spills all the juicy gossip in the school. The storyline is exciting and intense and involves family secrets, mystery and suspense, twists and turns and lots of sexual tension. This story is not a standalone and does end in quite a cliffhanger. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book in this captivating series. Neill Thorne, Lessa Lamb and Sarah Puckett all did an amazing job bringing these characters and this story to life.
?Pink Flamingo Productions, The Flock Reviewer
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