This is THE most comprehensive and engaging dive you’ll ever find dedicated this #1 most central mystery in all of physics. Expertly researched and all of it done impressively without a single eqation!! Thru a partially historical lense, it explains wave/particle duality from its early hints before the first double slit experiments…to delayed choice quantum eraser and beyond. Featuring in person interviews with some of today’s foremost physicists, it covers all the most popular interpretations and theories without choosing sides. No career legacy or agenda to push on you here…just the facts. To me the most valuable insights came directly from the words and musings of all the great scientific minds both past and present. Because who better to help shape your understanding on the matter?

At the end I’m left even more convinced that this is the “holiest” holy grail in all of science(even more so than any t.o.e)…the bedrock principle of the universe, and the ultimate nut to crack.