Books one and two of the series were awesome. Book three started the downhill slide. Book four in my opinion is barely worth the credit. The story line is slow and plodding, the arc is all over the place, and the character de-evolution is frustrating. Henry is too much of an ass, so even when the author tries to inject some humor it falls flat. Honestly, by the end of the book I wouldn’t have wanted to be this guys friend. The only way Blaise could have done a better job of neutering Jason would have been to have Thirsty throw a dress on him. The strong female mains have mostly been crushed into dust. They are either strong and stupid or they are well on their way to taking a back seat to the rest of the cast.

I honestly hope it’s a while before the next one comes out. It’s going to take a while to wash the taste of this one out of my mouth.