Finally got back to reading some Sloane Kennedy, and this did not disappoint in the least. If anything if was a bit more buildup then what I am used to, which made perfect sense for these broken men. Each man was broken in one way or another and together they were finally whole. There was not a ton of angst or steamy scenes in my opinion, so it was a perfect balance. I went into this pretty blind in that I did not know that it was an MMM, so that was just a very pleasant surprise. My favorite I would have to say would be Jonas. He overcame so much prior to meeting his men, that when he finally found them, he was already ready to start the intimate side of their relationship with them. I loved how both Mace & Cole were so accepting of Jonas’s needs and did not every make him feel bad about them. Cole was the biggest surprise in this as this was his first and now only time with men, and he just took it completely in stride. Joel Leslie narrated this, and I just cannot get enough of his narrations, just wow. Definitely recommend, heed a few triggers, but none on page.