
A nice mix of classic fantasy LitRPG and cultivation.

Comparable to Good/Bad guys, AO and Cradle series.

Binged on first 3 books at once, enjoyed very much.


Nice system: has both levels and cultivation, has fun gear, pets, god system, town building. Think AO + Cradle.

Detailed combat with abilities gained actually used in battles and exploration.

Not too many companions, keeping MC in focus.

Inner circle characters are well developed.


For INT based MC who is constantly bragging about his INT, first two books has him doing stupid shit all the time.

Humor is a bit repetitive by book 3.

Combat is an extreme yoyo every single time. MC either has full health or 1hp by the time he’s done. This breaks immersion.

Obvious lack of strategy/tactics understanding on author’s part as clear synergies in abilities are overlooked in favor of dramatic and excessive writing.