So, if you have read my reviews you have probably noticed my questions and concerns sometimes about the story flow. Not that I have many because I truly love this series. One of the things that had been nagging at me is that The Forge and the Mechs have been running at less than full power. Why?? Because they need additional Power Cores to add capabilities, weapons, knowledge, and so on and so on. The past few books there seemed to be a lost focus on getting more Power Cores. Not any more!! Not only is the focus back on, but now we have a new item – The Shroud!! This “factory” is capable of building Power Cores – and the gang is now focused on getting them to be a priority once again! This could prove to be very interesting.

I know I say the same things about this series over and over – but it really is a great series with a great story line, great characters, different stumbling blocks along the way, without having the same “lineup” take the focus book after book. You really feel like you are part of the story just the way the focus changes between the characters. Take a chance and start listening to The Messenger!!