Book 2 starts where 1 left off. December now knows that her sister is dead. The family goes back to California to lay Paige to rest. While in CA December decides that she needs to get away. She feels that no one wants her and she just needs to go somewhere else. She asks Royal to come with her. He agrees but at the station he sends Knight to let her know that he isn’t coming. He basically breaks up with her. December, heartbroken, leaves. She meets a boy Ramses that saves her when she steals some food and the two form a sort of friendship. It doesn’t take long for her past to catch up with her and she is dragged back home. She still has the same issues, her Dad is distant and Paige is still dead. Now Royal is pushing her way and is back with his ex. December now has to go back to school without the “friendship” of the Court and still trying to find out what happened to her sister. Also Ramses in a plot twist transfers to her school and gives her some life changing information on the Court. This book doesn’t have a cliff hanger, however when the bomb drops you will want to read book 2 ASAP! This book has duel narration but more of Kasi than Gregory. They both do a very nice job of telling the story. Eden has roped me in with this story and I need to know what happened to Paige and also I need December and Royal together!!!! #VIPFlockReview #PinkFlamingoProductions