I had high hopes for this book, especially since it was on Obama’s reading list, but honestly it was a huge let down. It is basically the author’s solution to climate change wrapped in a dull story. I’m used to the author giving us rich characters and a well crafted story, but at no point in the book did I care about what was going on. The author just kept ranting, at some points very harshly, like you were the scum of the earth if you didn’t believe in exactly what he said.

The author also has placed so many chapters in this book, many of which are 1 or 2 pages long, that have nothing to do with the story.

The book does do well with respecting other cultures and the need for doing so. It also puts forth a well thought out solution to climate change and is accurate with the science.

I just wish the story was better and that there weren’t so many useless chapters.