This book is the clarion call to Authentic Biblical Christians to wake up and get in the game of pulling our country and culture back up from over the cliff of immorality, decay of consciousness, academic insufficiency, voracious materialism, and proud decadence before it goes the way of many former strong nations into a downward spiral of poverty and no moral standards. To know where we need to go, however, we need to know from whence we came; our true, unaltered history. We need to have a clear picture of our struggles and their true source. Then, instead of relying on the broken system to heal itself, we need to use the power of Who brought us to this beautiful land and helped us establish this government to begin with.
A must read for all Authentic Biblical Christians who live in this beautiful Country and want to see its culture return its moral compass, educational system, and economy back to the Judeo-Christian foundation from whence it came.