This was an enjoyable jaunt through some of the historical events that have occurred in the past fifty years. This was the time passage since the death of Walt Disney. He is joined on his journey by Mark Twain. The two view events of importance that neither has seen. This journey is supposed to help Walt make up his mind on whether he wishes to return to life. Fifty years prior Disney entered a cryogenic state, and since his cancer could stand a chance of being treated, he now being brought back to life. I will not reveal the ending. The only negative I can take away from this delightful read is the reminder of one of my own miserable experiences. I happened to get caught in a Disney ride called “Its A Small World” as it broke down stranding us right in the middle. However, the music did not stop. Forty-five minutes later we emerged and it took months to get that tune out of my head. This book has again triggered that musical reminder and I sure hope it goes away soon. I received this book free for a fair and honest review.