Get ready for nightmares. Yeah, Jim Sebert fractures German pronunciation. Fuggedaboudit!

Here’s what happened and to a degree why. Which are the Two Great Questions that twist the terror dial way over 100%. Can it happen here? Are Nazi storm troopers and SS the natural sequence to the collapse of democratic governance? Looking at the streets of 2020 America as I write this, I’m wondering: Will those thugs come to my home next? Similar cretins routinely invaded everywhere with impunity in Germany’s 1930s. And first off, they neutered the police!

Steven King’s mastery of dread is his ability to get into his readers’ dreams. He seeps beneath the sills of the thickest doors we build to keep him out of our minds. Fritzsche, to his credits never makes comparisons between 1931 Berlin and say this moment’s Washington, London, Paris, or Rome… and yet… This book’s a natural compliment to the evening TV news in each of those cities.

Peter Fritzsche answers those Two Great Questions about the collapse of democratic republicanism in Germany. It’s up to the reader to answer the two greater questions above.

Which, very much like Steven King, cranks at our terror dials – but the problem with Fritzsche is that – this important book ain’t fiction.