Ok so I was torn on how to rate The Art Of Dating, part of me wanted to give this a 3.5 Stars, because I found the book funny as hack and it truly keep me entertained. Seriously I laughed so hard I was crying, but on the other hand I never really connected with Devina and Logan. There were just to many things that needed explaining…for instance why did Logan even care to begin with on helping Devina? it wasn’t like Logan and her knew each other for long or had this off the chart chemistry when they first met, making Logan use any excuse to be around her. It was like Ellie Messe just threw things in her book for a filler, but never gave us any reason why…

Also it was very annoying on how naïve Devina was at 27.

Here you have this grown women acting more like a teenager, but was a prude like a 80 year old. ?

Her behavior just didn’t fit her age. Then you have Logan, which was funny as hell, but acted to desperate for being a millionaire. Again it just didn’t feel right..

Every thing felt forced in my opinion, even there chemistry between them… which was kinda non-existing.

This book had so much potential, and easily could have been rated higher if it wasn’t so rushed and lacking important details.

Audiobook review: As always Sarah Puckett did a fantastic job narrating. I love her voice. She truly brings the characters to life!