I only made it a short way into this book. this one was the most boring nothing happening book in the series so far. and book four I almost gave up but I wanted to give book five a chance because there are I think seven out right now. I never want to give a bad review on a book without giving it an honest chance. given that the previous books were silly and childish this one revolving around Viking mythology just made it dumb. there’s literally a character Odin. in this book to survive a moon cracking and crashing to the planet they go into a soul space of a dungeon that creates planes of existence, the 13 realms, and connects them with a rainbow bridge. I can’t do it I have tried to listen to Dakota crowd’s books but they seem to be coming less coherent and more childlike. there’s a little quips in this series that I would expect in a toddler’s book. it’s not good writing and if I were you I would save your money and just go listen to something else.

Despite me being a straight Fanboy of Travis Baldees narration, this is one of his worst books that I have ever listened to. However if it wasn’t for his fantastic narration of an abysmal book I would have stopped at book one instead I made it to the beginning of book 5. there’s only so much a great narrator can do for a crappy series