so this book had a great premise. I’m highly interested in the whole ‘we live in the matrix’ theory, so I was excited to see it expanded on. I very much enjoyed Infinite, so I thought this would have some similar elements. I must say I was highly disappointed in the ending, I was hoping for more closure rather than the abrupt ending it had. I guess I will hafto go to Alter for that? I will definitely give it a try. I do like Jeremy Robinsons writing style, just not a fan of this particular books execution.

for the narrator’s, it did require a conscious effort for me to get past the rather monotonous diction of their non-dialog narration. Normally I like Ray Porter, but this one was not his best. Both narrator’s here used the same tone for every non-dialog sentence, and I had to really focus on the story line to be able to ignore and filter it into something enjoyable.