I found this one to be a little confusing at times, so far as the steps Lazarus had to take to travel through the various parts of Hell and back again. It’s possible that some of that was me not paying enough attention, but I kinda just had to roll with it after awhile. I was also not entirely sure about what happened at the end either, but I can’t really go into that because of spoilers. One day, I’ll re-read or re-listen to it and see if I’m just missing something.

I DID figure out one bit of the series arc before Lazarus did, so that made me feel a bit smarter at least.

And despite any confusion I might’ve had, I did really enjoy it. There’s a lot of emotion in this one – I laughed often and I even got teary-eyed at one point.

I listened to the audiobook, as I have with the preceding books, and enjoyed Baldree’s narration as usual. I will say that I’ve kind of figured out his limits so far as women’s voices, but fortunately, there aren’t usually more than a couple women in a scene. Considering the enormous amount of characters that pop up throughout the series, one can’t be too critical.